Society of 1842

A Tradition of Excellence
A Legacy of Learning

The Society of 1842 honors alumni and friends who have generously included Roanoke College in their estate plans.

In 1842, David Bittle looked forward to the future of this Society and spoke of the "momentous duty" of one generation to provide an education for the next. This spirit is reflected 181 years later, in both the name and the purpose of The Society of 1842.

It is the goal and responsibility of the members of this organization to create educational opportunities for current and future students at Roanoke College. Many Society members also choose to provide leadership through volunteer service and their annual support. Their foresight allows Roanoke College to continue to provide a nationally recognized, high quality education in the liberal arts and sciences.

Qualifications for Membership

Membership in The Society of 1842 is attained by naming Roanoke College as the beneficiary of a:

  • Will or Bequest
  • Retirement Plan
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
  • Retained Life Estate
  • Charitable Lead Trust
  • Pooled Income Fund
  • Charitable Gift Annuity


The Society of 1842 has experienced significant growth since its founding in 1982. As of March 22, 2024, there are 1141 members. Society members meet with the president of the College at the annual Society luncheon held in April during Alumni Weekend. Society members are also invited to a variety of College events throughout the year.

Living Members

Mr. Marc G. Adams

Mr. Franklin W. Allen '71

Mr. M. Scott Allison '79

Mr. Fred M. Altimore '63

Martha Hodges Goodwin Apple '64

Mr. Gregory J. Apostolou '77

The Rev. Robert C. Ayers '47

Mrs. Douglas W. Ayres '53

Mrs. Tracie Bush Baetz '78*

Mr. Melvin D. and Mrs. Kathleen M. Bailey

Ms. Katherine R. Baker '83

The Rev. William R. Ballance Jr.

Mrs. Garnette H. Bane

Mrs. Betty L. Barbatsuly '65

Mrs. Donna C. Barker '64

Miss Carla J. Barnes '88

Mrs. Jarill L. Roeth-Barry '74 and Mr. Kevin Barry

Dr. Walter S. Barton '55 and Mrs. Frances F. Barton '60

Mr. Richard C. Bassett '11

Stephen Bast '75 and Rebecca Krebs Bast '75

Sandra Nelson Bates '69

Mrs. Sally W. Bauer '77

Mrs. Barbara M. Bays '78

Ms. Wendy Spicer Beaver '73

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Becker '74

Mr. Randolph C. Bell '75

Mr. Kenneth J. Belton Sr. '81

Ms. Lynn Belton '77

Mr. William C. Benassi '84 and Mrs. Pilar Diaz Benassi '82

Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Benne

Ms. Nina S. Berke '81

Mr. Edward J. Bernad '77

Mr. William S. Beroza '77

Mr. Fritz A. Berry '88 and Mrs. Lori Sheridan Berry '86

Mr. Kirk H. Betts and Mrs. Debbie Betts

Mr. J. Kermit Birchfield Jr. '68

Mrs. Martha R. Bersch

Lillian Blackwelder '53

Mr. Thomas S. Blair Jr. '85 and Mrs. Kimberly P. Blair '93

Ms. Teresa P. Blethyn

The Rev. Dr. William W. Boldin '83 and Mrs. Brenda E. Boldin '82

Mrs. Marilyn Booker

William P. '64 and Judith Forfa Booth '65

Mr. Lewis J. Borsellino '77

Mr. Harry F. Bosen Jr. '68

Mrs. Martha Boswell

Mrs. Lindsey Porter Bowman '75 and Mr. Larry Bowman

Mr. Grahm E. Boyd '04

Mrs. Sharon L. Brammer '69

The Rev. Lance and Mrs. Norma Braun

Mrs. Sandra R Breen

Mr. William Brenton Jr. '77

Joseph W. G. Brooks '74

Mr. Matthew D. '00 and Mrs. Kathryn M. Brotherton '99

Mr. Richard H. Brown '64

Mrs. Athena E. Burton '52

Dr. and Mrs. Paris D. Butler '00

Mr. Herbert H. Butt '51

Mrs. John F. Byerly Jr. *

Ms. Pamela L. Cabalka '76

Mr. C. J. Caldwell '77

Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Caldwell '66

Dr. M. Paul Capp '52

Mr. James E. Carter Jr. '78

Mrs. Jeanette Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Case*

Joanne Leonhardt Cassullo '78

Mr. Landon J. Catron '77

R. Mason and Kathleen Downie Cauthorn'70

Mr. A. Mark Christopher and Mrs. Leslie Nunnally Christopher '72

Mr. W. Morgan Churchman '65

Dr. Douglas E. Clark '72

Dr. Gary A. Clarke

Mrs. Patricia Clemens

Mr. Robert G. Clements '61

Miss Louise Clendenen

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Collins

Dr. Robert T. Copenhaver '54

Ms. Cynthia A. Covell '80

Mr. Charles T. Coyle III '76

Dr. Morris M. Jr. '64 and Dr. Sheila S. Cregger

Dennis and Elaine Milan Cronk '77

James A. Councilor III '69 and Nancy Fairbrother Councilor '70

Mrs. Rosemary K. Cummings '60

Mr. Gregory D. Cundiff '84

Mr. Warner N. Dalhouse '56

Dr. James R. Dalton and Dr. Stephanie Pratola

Mr. H. Lawrence Davidson

Mrs. Kristen Skodje Davies '79

Mrs. Charlotte Vinten Davis '53

Mr. Donald B. Davis Jr. '81

G. Gates DeHart III '65

Mr. Richard DeMartino '86

Mr. David G. '65 and Mrs. Patricia T. Dillon

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Dillon '70 '70

Steven J. '66 and Marilyn M. Disbrow

Dr. Ann-Marie Dixon

Mr. William C. Dorsey '76

Mr. Paul R. and Mrs. Carol Dotson '64 '64

Mr. Perry R. and Mrs. Jessica B. Downing '81 '82

Mrs. Cynthia C. Duncan

Mrs. Mary Jane Elkins

Mrs. Fred Ellis '63

Ms. Mary D. Ellis '92

Mrs. Janet L. Esworthy

Mr. Stephen A. Esworthy '91 and Mrs. DanaLee B. Esworthy

Mr. and Mrs. L. Nichols Fairbanks III '67

Ms. Barbara Sue Faries '71

Mrs. David S. Ferguson

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L. Fetrow

Mrs. Alice H. Fleshman

Mrs. Beatrice L. Fleshman

Mrs. Danae Psilopoulos Foley '92

Mrs. Sherry E. and Mr. Martin D. Franks

Mrs. Susan Pollard Frantz '74 and Dr. Paul T. Frantz

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Garren '62

Mr. Thomas P. Gates '92

Peter N. Gebhard '66 and Lauralee Gebhard '67

Mrs. Mimi Gerhardt-Roth '83

Mrs. Patricia R. Gibbs '60

Mrs. Gail Gilmore

Mrs. Carolyn '80 and Mr. William Glasgow

Mr. Mark L. Gobble '87 and Mrs. Nancy L. Gobble '87

Mrs. Joel C. Goldthwait

Mr. David R. Goode and Mrs. Susan S. Goode

Mrs. Herschel C. Gore Jr.

Mr. Jay Graham '78

Mr. R. Whit Gravely Jr. '75

Mrs. Elizabeth L.Gresham '67

Mr. John B. Jr. and Mrs. Caroline E. Griffin '64 '64

David M. and Susan D. Gring

Mr. Rocco Guglielmo '85

Mr. Michael W. Haga '81 and Mr. Paul W. Holmes

Ms. Judith B. Hall '69

Mr. Kenton D. Hamaker Jr. '62 and Margaret O. Hamaker '66

Mr. Michael A. Hamilton '86

Ms. Nella B. Hamm

Mr. James W. Harkness '65

Mr. Kevin Hartz '92 and Mrs. Liz Hartz

Mrs. Virginia A. Hatcher '62

Mr. B. Ramsey Hathaway '00 and Mrs. Kelley M. Hathaway '01

Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Hathaway '73

Mrs. George S. Headford

Mrs. G. C. Henrich '55*

Mrs. Paul Higginbotham '65*

Mrs. Thelma S. Hildebrand '49

Mr. John M. Hills*

Mrs. Meredith Minter Hinkle '70 and RADM James B. Hinkle

Paul J. Hirsch, M.D. '57

Mr. Robert C. Hodges Jr. '76

Miss Linda K. Holt '78

Mr. Steven J. Holt '74

Mr. Douglas W. Hopkins '79

Mr. John F. Horan Jr. '70

Mr. Douglas C. Horn '78

Mrs. Peggy F. Horn '76

Rev. Pam Berg Horner '88

Ms. Margaret S. Hudson '71*

Mr. Marvin R. Huffman '55

Mr. C. Middleton Hunt '65 and Mrs. Ellie Hunt

Mike and Barbara Hutkin

Mrs. Suzanne Helm Ingram*

Mrs. Robbie P. Irvin

Mrs. Linda F. Irving '70

Barbara L. Irvine '66 and Geoffrey N. Irvine

Mr. Eric W. Janson '75

Michael R. and Elizabeth J. Johns

Mr. and Mrs. McMillan H. Johnson IV '70

Mrs. Susan B. Johnson

Mr. Earl R. Johnston '56

Ms. Elizabeth M. Jones

LTC Harry M. Jones (Ret.)

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne V. Jordan '77 '75

Dr. Darwin D. Jorgensen

Mr. W. Carl Kappes '80

Ms. Bonnie M. Keenan '71

Ms. Nancy N. Keenan '70

Ms. Sylvia J. Keenan '68

Mrs. Dorothea Keister

Mr. Richard B. Kelly '74

Mr. Stephen L. Keltner '72

Mr. William C. Kendig '80

Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kerr '60

Miss Joyce R. Kipps '50

Mr. Thomas C. Kirby Jr. '81

Ms. Margaret O. Klapperich

Mr. Michael A. Knipp '03

Edward G. and Anne Kohinke

Mr. and Mrs. Jules G. Korner Jr. '72

Mrs. Cynthia A. Koson '78

Mrs. Rebecca L. Kriebel

Ms. Heidi F. Krisch '71

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kuhl '73

Mr. William M. Lane '74

Mr. John '72 and Mrs. Diane Lang

Dr. Lorraine S. Lange '69 and Mr. William E. Lange

Mr. Kenneth C. Laughon '65

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Lawrence III

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Leardo

Mr. Jonathan E. Lee '95

Mr. Charles R. and Mrs. Teri C. Lemons

The Rev. and Mrs. Robert J. Lewis

Mrs. Angela Lieb '64

Margaret A. Lindsey '84 and William H. Lindsey

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Linkous Jr. '51*

Ms. Cheryl James Logan '79

Dr. Robert H. Logan III '76

The Hon. William H. Logan, Jr. '69 and Mrs. Marian F. Logan

Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Lucas

Dr. Eugene I. Luna '71

Mr. Dennis M. '65 and Mrs. Ellen Mahoney

Mr. Dudley L. Marsteller III '75

Mr. M. Richard Masoncupp '69

Ms. Grace V. Mauney

The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. J. Luther Mauney Jr. '60

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Maxey

Ms. Carrie H. McAllister '87

Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. McClelland

Mr. Shaun M. McConnon

Mr. W. David McCoy '62

Mr. Walter McCulley '69

Mr. and Mrs. William D. McGalliard

Mrs. Joy Parr McGrath '90

Dr. Curtis S. McKee and Dr. Gail H. McKee

Mr. James R. McLean III '74

Dr. and Mrs. Lex O. McMillan III*

Ms. Kathi Meenehan '75

Mr. George Mikitzki '74*

Dr. Mark F. Miller and Mrs. Linda Angle Miller

Mr. William B. Miller*

Mr. William G. and Mrs. Patricia S. Millington '67

The Rev. Dr. Malcolm L. Minnick Jr. '55

Mr. and Mrs. Page Moir

Ms. Melissa Morgan Nelson '81

Mrs. Suzanne Mott '60

Mrs. John A. Mulheren Jr. '72

The Rev. and Mrs. G. William Nabers '76 '77

Mr. William A. and Mrs. Clara Johnstone Nash '74 '74

Ms. Judith Nelson

Mrs Roberta V. Nielsen '68

Mrs. Sallie Potts Noonkester '72

LTC Jane E. Norris (Ret.)'74

Ms. Nina Novak '74*

Mrs. Abigail Harper O'Connor '75

Timothy J. and Elizabeth G. O'Donnell

Margaret "Mimi" O'Leary '91

Dr. Douglas A. Ockrymiek '67

Col. Anthony E. Osterman USMC (Ret.) '77

Mr. Durward W. Owen '55

Robert '73 and Catherine Owens

Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Pace Jr. '75

Mr. Donald J. Page

Ms. Joan Parrish '75

Dr. Bruce L. Partin

Mrs. Rebekah Paulson

Mr. Roger A. Petersen '81

Dr. Marvin M. Phaup Jr. '62

Mr. A. Duer Pierce III '74

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pilat '85 '85

Dr. Finn Pincus

Mrs. Zoe L. Pine '68

Mr. Dale Pizzini '74

Richard J. and Brenda P. '81 Poggendorf

Mr. Herbert Popper '44

The Rev. J. Christopher '75 and Mrs. Terry L. Price '76

Mr. Bobby A. Prince '92

Mr. J. Tyler Pugh '70

Terry L. '69 and Elizabeth W. Purvis '72

Ms. Tami G. Radecke '95

Mr. Peter Ramsdell '84*

Ms. Kathleen L. Toyoda '68 and Mr. Larry D. Reser

Mr. James C. Rhodes '69

Steve Rhodes '74 and Betsy Rhodes '78

Mrs. Carole Crotts Rich '78

Major Barton W. Richwine Jr. '61

David W. Robertson, PhD '89 and Kathryn Robertson

Mrs. Kathleen M. Robertson '77

Mary Lynn Robertson '69 and Jim Robertson

Dr. William B. Robey '56

The Hon. Gilbert A. Robinson '50

Jane G. Robinson PhD '88 and Albert L. Robinson

Mrs. Ray Robinson

Mrs. Sharon L. Rohrback

Stephany J. '69 and John Romano

Ann Hedrich Houck Rose '68

Dr. Stuart F. Ross '72

Mrs. Patricia D. Row

Ms. Ann T. Ruble

Ms. Bea G. Ruble

Mrs. Lou Ann Toombs Ruppel '72

Mrs. Jackie H. Sable '76

Mr. and Mrs. Macon C. Sammons Jr.

Dr. Jeffrey R. Sandborg

Mr. Roger W. Sandt '64

Mr. Robert C. Sargeant

Mr. Dale C. and Mrs. Janet Vass Sarjeant '74 '73

Mr. Alexander I. Saunders

Mr. Hugh L. Sawyer '74

Mr. William C. Schaaf '71

Mr. J. Craig Schisler '76

Dr. Linda G. Schlichting '66

Bishop and Mrs. Theodore F. Schneider '56 '56

Mrs. Lottie F. Schottmiller '08

Mr. Matthew T. Schottmiller, Esq. '01

The Reverend Glen Sea

Mr. George W. Seals '70

Mrs. Deborah H. Selby

Mr. and Mrs. Darell Semones

Mr. Tod N. Senne '74 and Mrs. Lee Ann Senne

Mr. P. Randall and Phyllis A. Shannon '66 '72

Mr. Larry E. Sharpe '80

Mr. Jim Shepherd '67 and Mrs. Anita L. Shepherd '68

Mr. J. Donald Shockey Jr. '64

Ms. Susan L. Sink '79

David R. Sipes, DDS '56

Dr. J. Martin Sipos

Dr. Pamela G. Slate '66

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Smith '65

Mr. H. Jerome Smith '72

Mrs. Harriet G. Smith M'59

Mr. Brian Snediker '82

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Snyder '64

Mrs. Sally W. Southard '77

Dr. Douglas Spadaro '78

The Honorable Robert P. Spellane '92

Dr. Joseph K. St.Clair Jr. '57

Mrs. John R. Stafford Jr. '57

Ms. Sharon L. Stanley

Dr. Francis J. Stapleton '73

Mr. Eugene P. Stemple '61

The Reverend Terrie L. Sternberg

Ms. Patricia Stevens '71

Mr. Thomas A. Stevens '90

Ms. Cecelia Z. Stoutamire

Mrs. Laura Altimore Strausbaugh '88

Ellen A. Stroud '95

Derek J. and Beatrice E. Stryker '63 '64

Mr. Stuart Parke Sullivan '87

Mr. Gregory R. Surabian '76

Mr. Donald M. Sutton Jr. '76

Mrs. Deborah W. Tanis '70

Mr. Andrew K. Teeter '71*

Drs. Thomas W. and Nina Templeton

Mary Grace Theodore

Mr. David V. Thomas '02

Ms. Sandra B. Thomas '82

Mr. Robert D. Thompson '71

Mr. Glenn O. Thornhill Jr.

Ms. Carlin D. Treco '12

Mr. Peter S. Treiber '79

Mrs. Kate B. Turbyfill

Mr. Thomas H. Turner '83

Dr. William H. Turner '63

Dr. Norman P. Uhl Jr. '57 and Mrs. Mary Uhl

Robert B. Upton '58 and Sarah R. Upton '60

Miss Nancy E. Utz M'67

Mr. Joe A. Vance

Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. VandeLinde '73

Dr. Fred R. Vaughan '57

Dr. and Mrs. Carlos R. Vest '56

Mrs. Frank H. Vest Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Wade Jr. '70

Mrs. Sally L. Walker

Mrs. Carolyn S. Walter '97

Mr. Christopher M. Walters '00

Mrs. William R. Walton*

Dr. Sharon Brown Watkins '64

Mr. Stephen P. Watson '72

Mr. Jeffrey A. Webb '92

Dr. Lucy Cline Weiss '72 and Dr. Richard G. Weiss

Mr. Robert S. Weiss '92

Mr. John P. Westervelt '69

Dr. Garnett B. Whitehurst

Mrs. Mary W. Whitmire '46*

Mrs. Helen Twohy Whittemore '80

William Livingston Whitwell

Deborah Hayes Willard '78

Mrs. Dorothy S. Williams

The Hon. Ian R. D. Williams '69

Jack E. and Susan M. Williams

Dr. Harry L. and Mrs. Donna K. Wilson

J. Richard '52 and Anne Montgomery Wilson '55

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wirsing III '67

Mrs. Sandy L. Wolf '76

Patricia Haas Womelsdorf '73 and Wes S. Womelsdorf

Mrs. Allen O. Woody III

Mr. Dudley F. Woody, Esq. '74 and Mrs. Natalie Woody

Mrs. Robert E. Wortmann

Ms. Kimberly Willis Wright '92

Mr. Robert W. Zimmerman '86

Ms. Nancy Wacker Zindel '71 and Mr. Richard Kut

Mr. Robert A. Ziogas '82

Society Members In Memoriam

Mr. and Mrs. I. Jack Adelson '31*

Ms. Margaret H. Akers

Mrs. Rose Greer Akers M'21

COL B. B. Albert, USA (Ret.) '49

Mr. and Mrs. Lurty J. Alexander

Mrs. Josephine Minter Almond E'21

Ms. Jane M. Ambrose-Cosby '74

Mr. and Mrs. William Ames

Mrs. Anne Wallace Anderson

Mr. John Randolph Anderson '38

Miss Martha Anderson M'43, '46

Mr. Willis M. Anderson '50

Mr. Larry W. Arrington Ed.D. '63

Mrs. Dorothy E. Arthur '40

Mrs. Jeanne Louise Atkinson '48

Mr. John M. Atkinson '57

Mr. Douglas W. Ayres '53

Ms. Anne Somers Bailey '45

Mr. William H. Baker

Mr. Eugene M. Bane '33*

Mr. Samuel H. Barnhart Jr. '43

Mr. Glynn D. Barranger*

Mrs. Helen C. Barranger M'41, '67*

Mr. William I. Bartlett

Mrs. G. W. Bassett '36*

Mr. C. Homer Bast

Mrs. Mary Jane Bast

Tommy M. Bates

Miss B. Jean Beamer '52

Ms. Evelyn Stone Beasley '49

Mrs. Kathleen Jones Beckett

Col. Nicholas Beckett '25

Dr. C. Randolph Benson

Col. and Mrs. Charles M. Bergeson*

Mrs. Bertie E. Berry

Mr. John Clarke Berry '21

Mr. Russell J. Berry

Mr. Robert S. Bersch

Theodore Blackwelder '52

Mrs. Rosemary D. Blanchard '44

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bondurant '40

Mr. Everett B. Bonham

Mr. Charlie Boswell '74

Ms. Grace H. Bosworth '66

Mrs. Genevieve Bowen M'56

Mr. Homer "Major" K. Bowen Jr. M'56

Mr. Christopher B. Bower '90

Mrs. Mary Mitchell Bowman

Mrs. Mildred Boyd

The Rev. Richard E. Boye

Mr. Donald E. Brace

Mrs. Joyce R. Brace '48

Mr. and Mrs. E. Cabell Brand

Dr. Ralph Braunschweig '49

Mr Paul Breen '61

Mr. Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. '35

Mrs. Joan B. Brenner '65

Miss Anna E. Brown M'49

Mr. James Russell Brown

Mrs. Julian S. Brown*

Mrs. Mary Miller Brown

Mrs. Sara L. Brown '52

Mr. Walter E. Brown

Miss Grace E. Brubaker

Mr. Theodore W. Bruegel '33*

Mr. George J. Buchanan Jr.

Mrs. Kathryn K. Buchanan and The Rev. Willis S. Buchanan '53

Mr. Melvin F. Buck '49

Mrs. Kathryn Coffman Buhrman '35

Mr. Thomas J. Burch '31

The Rev. Delbert M. Burnett '64

Mr. Richard K. Burton '54

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bussey '24

Mrs. Jeanne Buster

Mrs. Joan J. Butt '52

Dr. Thomas E. Butt '57

The Rev. Dr. John F. Byerly Jr. '50*

Mrs. James C. Byrley M'27

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence P. Caldwell Jr. '41*

Mrs. Isaac Cannaday

Mrs. Ruth C. Cannon*

Mrs. M. Paul Capp

Mr. Gene F. Caprio

Mrs. Gene F. Caprio '38

Mr. John P. Carberry '49*

Mr. William R. Carroll '31

Dr. D. Rae Carpenter Jr. '49

Miss Anne B. Carter '31*

Mr. Harold E. Carter '38

Mrs. Juanita F. Carter

Mr. T. A. Carter Jr.

Mary Jane de Carvalho, M.D. '55

Mr. Dennis G. Case '55

Mr. Christopher R. Caveness '83

Miss Edith A. Cerretani '38

James P. Charlton, M.D. '51

Miss June L. Cheelsman '47*

Mr. Eugene W. Chelf

Mrs. Louise G. Chittum '65 and Mr. Billy L. Chittum

Mrs. Frances Miller Clark M'28

Mrs. Louise K. Clark M'34

The Honorable G. O. Clemens*

Mr. W. Arles Clark Jr. '37

L. Robert Clough, M.D.

Mrs. Kathryn Woods Cobb

Dr. William W. Cobbs II '48

Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Coiner '29

Beth A. Collins, M.D. '61

Lady Ethel MPH Collins HRH*

Ms. Mary Sue Collins

Mr. Cecil E. Conner '45

Mr. Peter C. Connolly '88

Mrs. Joan I. Conrad '47

Mrs. Martha Ann Cook

Mr. Ronald R. Cope '71

Miss Margaret Sue Copenhaver M'32*

Mrs. Robert T. Copenhaver '53

Mr. Edward L. Corson II '71*

Mrs. Anita Myers Cranford '43

Mrs. Racella S. Crews '34

Mrs. Sally Fishburn Crockett

Mrs. Jane Spencer Cromer '47

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Cundiff '38

Mrs. Marie Collett Curtis '40

Col. Thomas A. Darnall '57*

Mr. J. Robert Davenport '52

Mr. Sigmund E. Davidson '43*

Dr. Charles E. Davis Jr. '37

Dexter Davis, M.D. '33

Mr. J. William Davis

Dr. Thomas P. Davis '53

Mr. William Vernon Davis '31

Mr. Frank W. DeFriece Jr. '46*

Mr. Robert Demarest Sr. '59

Ruth Stubbs Denlinger '59

Dr. Byford H. Denman '20

Miss Hazel Diuguid

Mrs. Betty Dooley

Ms. Debra A. Downard '73

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Downey

Mr. Carroll A. Downing Jr. '62*

Mrs. Elizabeth T. Downing

Mr. Henry H. Downing, Jr.

Mr. James C. Downs '59

Miss Mary E. Driscoll '35

Mr. Henry A. Dudley '35

Mr. John Duncan

Mrs. May C. Duncan '34

Mrs. Evelyn B. Eckman

Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher Elan M'36

Mr. Morris M. Elan

Mr. Philip H. Elliott Jr. '51

Mrs. Wanda S. Elliott

Mr. Fred Ellis

Mrs. Beverly Eyerly

Dr. Rodolfo F. Fasoli '30

Ms. Mary E. Faw

Mr. Richard S. Feller '68*

Mr. Alex E. Fenik '52

Mrs. Betty J. Fenik '49

Mr. David S. Ferguson '57

Mr. William B. Figgat '27*

Dr. and Mrs. Norman D. Fintel*

Dr. Charles H. Fisher '28*

Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder Fisher '46

Mr. Lawrence D. Fisher Jr. '35*

Mrs. Lawrence D. Fisher Jr.*

Mrs. Lois Carlin Fisher*

Mr. Robert S. Fisher '36

Dr. Doreen H. Fishwick

Mr. John P. Fishwick'37

Mrs. Catherine Fix

Mr. Jack W. Fleshman '56

Mrs. Mary Flickinger

Mr. Ernest L. Folk '52

The Honorable and Mrs. Henry H. Fowler '29

Mr. Horace G. Fralin

Mrs. Margaret M. Franklin

Dr. Herta T. Freitag

Miss Susan B. French '29

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fritz Jr.

Mrs. Bertha J. Gale

Mrs. Edith C. Garber

Mr. Lewyn H. Gardner '25*

Mrs. Ann H. Gardner-Gray*

Dr. Aline Garretson

Mr. George D. Garretson '64

Mr. Olin Garrett*

Mrs. Thelma M. Garst

Dr. Patricia M. Gathercole

Mrs. Lounelle P. Gearing

Mr. Robert Jenkins Geer '75

Mr. Frank Gilmore '61

Mr. Douglas T. Gresham

Mr. John Gibbs

Mrs. Mary B. Girdon

Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Glendening '44

Dr. Joel C. Goldthwait

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Good '50

Miss E. Gay Goodwin E'18

Dr. Carl W. Gottschalk '42

Mrs. Vilma M. Graves

Mrs. Sultana B. Grayeb '52

Dr. R. Clark Grove '22

Mr. Dillard L. Grubb '36

Mr. David L. Guy '75

Mr. Richard D. Guy '38

Miss Annie B. Hackley

Mr. Russell G. Hall '58

Mr. Gary E. Hamilton '95

Ms. Pattie Hamilton

Mr. Lawrence H. Hamlar

Mr. E. Howard Hammersley Jr. '38

Mrs. Isabel M. Hancock

Mrs. Helen C. Hanes M'37

Miss Darline Hannabass '43

Mr. John W. Harkrader '38*

Mr. Charles N. Harner '25

Mrs. James W. Harkness '65

Mr. Harold W. Harris '29*

Mrs. Sue L. Harvey '57

Mr. Joseph W. Hatcher '59

Mrs. Bessie Bennett Hauer

Ms. Anne L. Haulsee '68

Mr. George S. Headford

Mrs. Jessie Tise Heafner M'36 '37

Mr. G. C. Henrich '55*

Dr. Thomas R. Henretta '58

Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Hicks '48 '42

Mr. Alexander Drew Hierholzer '50

Mr. Paul Higginbotham*

Mr. Joe L. Hill

Dr. Sidney W. and Mrs. Donna J. Hinkley '65 '65

Mr. Bentley Hite '23

Mrs. Cassandra Hite

Mr. Richard Q. Hite '54

Mrs. Marie Utt Hoal

Dr. Robert L. Hock '55

Mrs. Robert L. Hock '55

Mrs. Stella Heath Hodges

Mr. Duke A. Hoffman '23

Mr. Pendleton Hogan '29*

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hood III '37 '39

Miss Helena Mae Hoover

Mr. Burt C. Horne Jr. '37

Mr. Samuel Hoshour '14

Mrs. Irene L. Howland '48

The Rev. L. Crockett Huddle '49

Mrs. Patricia Huffman

Ms. Anne M. Hughes '45

Dr. Joseph L. Hundley '30*

Mr. Richard W. Hunt '51

Mrs. Emma K. Hunter '48*

Mrs. Sidney Y. Hunter

Dr. Burton G. Hurdle '41

Mrs. Mary Alice Hutcherson

Mr. Reginald K. Hutcherson '52

Mr. Onza M. Hyatt '27*

Mr. Sidney Louis Hyatt

Mrs. W. Oscar Hylton*

Mrs. E. Burwell Ilyus*

Mr. Wilbur H. Inskip '32*

Harry I. Johnson Jr., MD '48

Mrs. Eleanor Greever Jones M'34

Mr. George A. Kegley '49

Mr. Leonard Kefauver '33*

Dr. John D. Keister '50

Mr. William E. Keister '45

Mrs. Edwina G. Keith M'40

Mr. Joseph M. Keller '43

Mr. Carlisle J. Kennett '29*

Mrs. Clarinda M. Kennett*

Dr. Henry L. Kennett '39

Mr. James G. Kesler '70

Mr. Gustav E. Kiligas

Mr. R. Sagen Kime '14*

Miss Alice Kimmerling E*

Mr. Karl Kimmerling*

Mr. and Mrs. James A. King Jr.

Mr. Hartselle D. Kinsey '21*

Mr. Donald M. Kinzer '74

Mr. Robert F. Kirchert '36*

Mrs. Cecile Dix Kirchner M'25

Mrs. Virginia T. Kirkwood M'27 '31

Mrs. Dorothy Knee

Mr. George F. Krafthofer '60

Mr. Robert L. Kriebel '65

Mary B. Kulik

Ms. Anita R. Lambert

Mr. James H. Landis '42

Mr. Anthony and Mrs. Jessie '48 Lang

Mr. Herbert S. Lauck '21

Mr. and Mrs. Weldon T. Lawrence Jr. '49

Mrs. Margaret G. Lawson

Mr. Alexander Y. Lee Jr. '55

Mrs. Alma Cox Lemcke '41

Mr. Creed K. Lemon '34

Mrs. Sarah Lee Lemon

Mrs. Leta Mae Lester M'45

Mr. Blake W. Liddle '48

Mr. Robert W. Lieb Jr.

Mrs. Virginia Erb Lieb '40

Mrs. George O. Linberg E*

LTC James L. Linebarger '65

Mrs. Pauline S. Linebarger M'32

Ms. Katharine D. Lord '63

Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Zoe Lovendahl

Mr. Carter Lowance

Mrs. Elizabeth Lowance

Mr. Joseph A. Lucado*

Mr. Herman J. Lukeman '29

Mr. Elmer E. Lyon, Esquire*

Mr. Bruce A. Mahan '77*

Mr. William A. Mahler '21*

Dr. and Mrs. M. Joseph Mancinelli '39

Mr. and Mrs. Noble G. Marshall '35

Mr. T. Chandler Martin '28*

Mrs. Audrey Mathews

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. Luther Mauney '30*

Mrs. June M. McBroom*

Mr. James H. and Mrs. Joyce A. McDonald

Ms. Marguerite McNeil

Mr. Harry D. McReynolds*

Mr. and Mrs. Rural E. Meadors '35

Mrs. Lucy E. Meiller

Mr. Bruce E. Melchor III '72*

Mrs. Blanche Virginia Menefee

Mr. Arthur V. Merkel

Ms. Gertrude Michel-Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Norwood C. Middleton '39 '41

Dr. Barbara Jeanette Miller

Ms. Harriet K. Miner '67

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Minter '49

Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Mitchell*

Mr. R. Jennings Mitchell '23

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Moir

Dr. and Mrs. William M. Moir '25

Mrs. Margaret Moore M'29 '31

Dr. Millie J. Moore '68

Mrs. Chalmers Morehead

Mrs. Eleanor C. Morley

Mrs. Doris W. Morris

Mr. Lynn Morris

Mr. Allen A. Mott

Mr. W. Raymond Motz '43

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Muir

Mr. John A. Mulheren Jr. '71*

Mr. Robert D. Murphy Jr. '78

Mrs. Dorothy Garst Murray

The Honorable Leonard G. Muse '20

Mrs. Lillian R. Muse

Mr. Patrick D. Nalley '73

Ms. Susan L. Needham '69*

Mr. and Mrs. E. Lucian Neff '31*

The Rev. Carl O. Nelson

Mr. Richard M. Newman '40

Mr. Thomas H. Nicholson Jr. '51

Mr. John A. Noon

Mrs. Sarah K. Norman

Ms. Kathryn O'Keeffe

Mr. Allan C. Otey '31*

Ms. Kathleen B. Page

Martha S. Palmer

Ms. Peggy A. Patrick '51

Dr. Mamie S. Patterson

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Payne '49 '50

Mr. James E. Pellett '61

Mrs. Elizabeth J. Pence

Mrs. Mildred Persinger

Mr. Richard B. Persinger '33

Mr. Timothy L. Pickle III*

Dr. Martha Kime Piper '53*

Mr. Joseph H. Poff '25*

Mrs. Cathern Poindexter

Mr. Roy R. Pollard Jr. '40

Mrs. Roy R. Pollard Jr.

Mr. Christopher W. Powell Jr. '80

Mrs. Elizabeth Powell

Mr. W. Bruce Powell

Dr. and Mrs. Cornelius Ramsey '44

Mr. D. Woodson Ramsey Jr. '28

Mr. and Mrs. Irving W. Ramsey '25

Mr. Kenneth J. Randall

Mr. Jay E. Rauch

Captain Arthur F. Rawson Jr. (Ret.) '41*

Mrs. Katherine T. Reed '41

Mr. S. White Rhyne Jr. '52

Mr. John J. Ribar Jr. '74*

Mrs. Barton W. Richwine

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ritter '32

Mr. Roy H. Ritter '26*

Mr. Talmage E. Roberts '35

Mrs. William B. Robey

David W. Robinson, Esquire '19

Mr. Ray Robinson

Mr. Robert J. Rohrback '67

Mrs. Mabel Rosen M'17*

Mrs. Dorothy Roth

Dr. Robert F. Roth

Mr. Thomas H Row '57

Dr. Frank E. Rowell '49

Mr. Gordon F. Ruble '39

Mr. Reuben Roy Rush

Mr. Thomas D. Rutherfoord '37

Mr. Michael P. Sable '77

Dr. John A. Sanderson

Mrs. Robert C. Sargeant

Carlton E. '58 and Peggy Saul

Mr. Steven K. Saunders '71

Ms. Ruth A. Schmidt '47

Dr. Susan J. Schumacher-Cox '66

Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Schumann*

Mrs. Deborah W. Seals '70

Mrs. Will J. Selzer

Mrs. Martin L. Shaner

Mrs. Isabel S. Shannon

Mr. William N. Shearer '44

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sherertz '42 '45

Mr. E. Lee Shiflett Jr. '63

Mrs. Clara Gardner Shires

Mrs. Eva Lee H. Shober '53

Dr. and Mrs. James B. Shuler '31

Mr. James Wallace Sieg*

Miss Katharine G. Sieg E'25*

Miss Martha Davies Sieg E'27*

Mrs. Marian B. Sisson

Mr. William K. Skolfield*

Dr. and Mrs. C. Freeman Sleeper

Mr. Alvin H. '52 and Mrs. Betty M. Smith

Mrs. Estelle P. Smith

Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith '36*

Dr. Mary P. Smith

Mr. Stanley R. Snidow '39

Mrs. Lucile Snow

Mr. William B. Snyder '50

Ms. Karen M. Sohl '74

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Spencer Jr. '45*

Ms. Margaret L. Spradlin '46

Miss Elizabeth Spraker M'34

Ms. Mary Jane Spratt

Mr. Edward A. Stanley '14

Mrs. Marguerite M. Stanley

Mr. John R. Stafford Jr. '57

Mrs. Frances L. Stavros

Mrs. Harriett M. Stokes '35

Mr. Alvin C. Stump '52

Mr. Charles L. Stumpp

Mr. Curtis A. Sumpter '29

Miss Hannah Surh '55

Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sutton*

Mr. J. H. Tabb

Mrs. Evelyn B. Taney

Ms. Gloria L. Tayloe '60*

Mrs. Arlene L. Teitlebaum

Mr. Robert L. Teitlebaum

Miss Vivian L. Thierry '59

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson '49

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Thompson '42

Mr. David F. Thornton '48*

Dr. Jack A. Thurmond '50

Mrs. Jack A. Thurmond '51

Miss Marguerite Tise M'31 '33

Mr. Deal H. Tompkins '29*

Ms. Betty L. Toone

Mrs. Eva Rose Trexler

Rear Admiral Ross H. and Mrs. Margaret E. Trower

Dr. Edward L. Tucker '46

Mr. John R. Turbyfill '53*

The Honorable and Mrs. James C. Turk '49

Mr. S. Maynard Turk '49

Mrs. Patricia A. Turk

Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Tusing '32*

Mr. William S. Tyrrell

Mrs. Ruth V. Umberger

Mr. Edward H. Underhill Jr. '55

Mr. Frans M. VanGelder '39

Mrs. Katharine VanMeier

The Rt. Rev. Frank H. Vest Jr. '59

Miss Bettye C. Via '49

Mrs. Claiborne W. Vinyard '37

Mrs. Jean H. Voorhees

Mr. and Mrs. George Emery Wade '36

Mr. Louis S. Waldrop

Mr. John L. Walker '25

Mr. William R. Walton*

Miss Anna W. Warren

Miss Nina Jo Warren

Mrs. C. Davis Wassum*

Mr. Thomas Watkins

Mr. Leo J. Wellhouse Jr.

Mr. Dudley E. Wells

Mr. Lewis H. Wessinger

Mr. Francis T. West '41

Munsey S. Wheby, M.D. '51

Mrs. Joan L. Wheeler

Dr. Brooks M. Whitehurst

Mrs. Esther Whitman

Mr. Forrest S. Williams

Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Williams*

Dr. Robert F. Williams '29

Dr. William C. Williams '43*

Mr. R. C. Williamson

Mr. James F. Wilson and Betty G. Wilson M'51

Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Wilson '28 '34

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wilson Jr.

Mrs. Josephine D. Wilson '48

Mrs. Mary-Starke Higginbotham Wilson '43*

Dr. Betty Jean Winford '47

Mrs. Mary H. Wise

Mrs. Ruth Light Wise

Dr. Nancy M. Witt '51*

Dr. Luther Horn Wolff '28

Miss Bea C. Wood '40 *

Miss Gladys C. Woodbury '47

Mrs. Carolyn D. Woodrum M'62

Mr. Allen O. Woody III '70

Mr. Robert E. Wortmann '60

Mrs. Rebecca C. Wright

Mrs. Audrey Wulfken

60 Anonymous Members
*Charter Members
M - Marion College
E - Elizabeth College

Total membership as of January 27, 2025 — 1150 members

Contact George Seals '70, Director for Planned Giving, 540-375-2484 (office), 540-526-7177 (cell), [email protected]
